trust me. it probably sucks

trust me.  it probably sucks

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Stupid Fan Page of the Day!/pages/Im-scared-to-speak-to-you-first-because-i-just-feel-like-im-annoying-you-/248978870848

"Im scared to speak to you first because i just feel like im annoying you :|"

Grow a set. If you don't have something worth saying, there is a good chance that you may be annoying.

joining a facebook fan group dedicated to your passivity is definitely a better idea than putting yourself on the line. Forget talking to your "true love;" there is an app for that.

If you can't talk to the person that makes the butterflies go crazy in your large intestine, use your hand . . . joining that facebook fan page is not going to make her look at you (unless she is laughing at you). However, if you use your imagination, she's wild about you (oooh, she's been a bad girl, and she wants to show you just how bad.)
See? The five minutes you spent actually looking for a page as stupid as this one could have been much more productive, and solved at least one of your problems.

As for contacting someone before she contacts you? There's really nothing like a friendly hello to send me into a rage of annoyance.


the only things that cause me more pain than someone contacting me before I contact him/her is lack of apostrophes and passiveness

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