trust me. it probably sucks

trust me.  it probably sucks

Monday, April 26, 2010

Stupid Fan Page of the Day!/pages/i-bet-band-kids-can-beat-choir-kids-to-1000000/270525044693?ref=sgm

i bet band kids can beat choir kids to 1,000,000!!

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. This is where fan pages go to die. There MAY be ten redeeming people in this group.

A band kid enthusiastic enough to join a page dedicated to defeating a page dedicated to choir kids is a true gem.

I would suggest you [at this very moment] go to your friends list [right now, I'm not kidding] and make sure that you are free from any friends in this group(and if you are, now is the time to send them a strongly worded letter detailing your ultimatum--it's me or the group. . . then make them promise to tell no one if they choose the group over you; just defriend in peace).

ugh. the thought of band kids fighting chorus kids makes me about as awkward as they felt at prom. I better bounce, before i the tulle and polyester gives me a skin rash, and I remember that I have to take out my retainer before I french kiss.

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